Appropriate Body Service (ABS)
Welcome to the North West London Teaching School Hub’s Appropriate Body Service.
As a well-established and experienced Appropriate Body, we offer a platinum service for Early Career Teachers. We work with schools across our region (Brent, Barnet and Enfield) and beyond to provide specialist support and guidance. We have a proven track record for delivering an efficient service for all schools, Heads, Induction Tutors and ECTs.
Our dedicated team of professionals are committed to providing high quality, timely support and advise ensuring ECTs receive the highest standards for teacher induction.
As part of this service we:
- Provide high quality training and support for Induction Tutors and Head teachers.
- Host a “Welcome and Induction Briefing‟ event for ECTs Autumn/Spring/Summer.
- Provide access to an online system (ECT Manager) that allows Headteachers,Induction Tutors and ECTs to track and record ECTs’ progress and complete statutory assessments.
- Make decisions on the outcomes of statutory induction for ECTs and submit reports to the Teaching Regulation Agency.
- Give expert advice and guidance where ECTs are a cause for concern or at risk of failure and provide additional bespoke support.
- Provide all ECTs and Induction Tutors with an Induction Handbook with key information to support the induction process , please click here.
- Provide access to up-to-date guidance documents and induction support material.
- Monitor all termly Progress Reviews and End of Year formal assessments.
- Provide quality assurance of assessment forms, against the Teachers’ Standards.
- Offer phone/email support for Headteachers and Induction Tutors from experienced and knowledgeable Induction Leads.
- Provide expert advice and knowledge regarding a school’s statutory obligations for ECTs, including formal complaints or challenges.
- Provide a dedicated point of contact within the Teaching School Hub for all Appropriate Body induction and ECT queries – Appropriate Body Administrator - Usra Rahimi, email:
For complaints in relation to the NWLTSH Appropriate Body Service, please see the NWLTSH Appropriate Body Service Complaints Policy and Procedures here.
COST – new pricing structure from September 2024
In recognition that some ECTs are not staying with a school to complete their full 2 years of induction we are changing from a one-off non-refundable fee of £500 for the Appropriate Body service, to a yearly payment.
Schools will be invoiced shortly after the ECT has been registered, authorised on ECT Manager, and commenced their induction. If the ECT leaves during or at the end of the year (3 terms, calculated from the start date) no further payment will be required. If they remain beyond this point to continue their induction the school will be charged for a 2nd year. Please note schools selecting the Core Induction programme will be subjected to a separate Fidelity Check charge on top of this (please see below).
DfE Fully Funded Provider-Led Programme
- £250 per ECT, per year or part year of their induction. NO HIDDEN EXTRAS!
Schools can choose to work with Ambition Institute, Teach First, UCL, Best Practice, Capita or Education Development Trust. All are accredited by the Department for Education to deliver a programme of face-to-face and online training to ECTs and their mentors through local delivery partners and on-line platforms, to cover the full content of the Early Career Framework. These programmes are funded by the Department for Education for Eligible schools and establishments.
The NWLTSH work in partnership with Ambition Institute, which received an Outstanding rating by Ofsted - full report here.
DfE accredited materials - Core Induction Programme
For schools wishing to use the DfE accredited materials (Core) from any of the DfE accredited providers, we charge the school:
- an annual charge of £350 for the Fidelity Checks
- £250 per ECT, per year or part year of their induction. NO HIDDEN EXTRAS!
The additional fee is due to the statutory requirements of Fidelity checks throughout the length of induction for each ECT.
This service will provide schools with:
- A pre-induction Fidelity Check by the AB a term before the induction period starts to ensure the materials and sessions are in line with the statutory guidance for induction and meet the ECF induction programme standards.
- Three further Fidelity Checks during the two-year induction programme to quality assure the ECF core induction programme.
- QA visits, which includes an observation of a facilitated session, a review of the delivery material, interviews with the Induction Lead/Tutor, Mentors and ECTs.
How to register
If you are not currently working with us and wish the NWLTSH to act as the AB for your school and ECTs please see the link below for a step-by-step guide on how to register your schools and new users on ECT Manager - click here.
To register click here. |
For general Appropriate Body Administrative enquires or system support please contact:
Usra Rahimi | email: |
For more specific induction related enquires please contact:
Trudi Mooteealoo (Head of the Appropriate Body service) |
email: phone: 07398 218 590 |
Funding & Eligibility for ECF based training (new update summer 2023)
Appropriate Bodies Guidance: Induction and the early career framework (updated April 2024)
Key Points
- All qualified teachers who are employed in a relevant school in England must, by law, have completed an induction period satisfactorily, subject to specified exemptions.
- Statutory induction is not a legal requirement to teach in FE or the independent sector, academies, free schools, but may be served in these settings.
- Early Career Framework (ECF) based training is expected to be embedded as a central aspect of induction; it is not an additional training programme.
- An appropriate body has the main quality assurance role within the induction process.
- The appropriate body is responsible for checking that headteachers/principals have put in place an induction programme for the ECT and ensuring that this programme of support is clearly based on the ECF.
- Monitoring and support throughout induction should be sufficient so that an ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards is not unexpected when an ECT reaches a formal assessment point.
2024 - 2025 Upcoming dates
ECT Welcome and Induction Briefing Event for ECTs starting their 2-year Induction via Zoom:
The aim of this event is to provide ECTs with a range of information about the entire induction process, what to expect and the statutory requirements of their induction period.
Thursday, 12th September 2024 |
2.00pm - 4.00pm |
Tuesday, 17th September 2024 |
2.00pm - 4.00pm [Repeat] |
Wednesday, 25th September 2024 |
3.30pm - 5.15pm [Repeat] |
*ECTs are only required to attend one of the above sessions delivered.
Induction Tutor Training session via Zoom:
This session is for new Induction Tutors or for existing Tutors/Leads wishing to have a refresh, it covers the roles and responsibilities of the Induction Tutor and information related to the whole induction period, including the statutory requirements.
Wednesday, 18th September 2024 |
3.45pm - 5.15pm |
Tuesday, 24th September 2024 |
3.45pm - 5.15pm [Repeat] |
*Induction Tutors are required to attend only one of the above sessions.
What is the role of the Appropriate Body?
Appropriate Bodies have a role in ensuring that new teachers receive their statutory entitlements and are fairly and consistently assessed in addition to checking that early career teachers (ECTs) are receiving a programme of support and training based on the Early Career Framework (ECF).
Is the Early career Framework used for assessment of induction?
The Early Career Framework is not an assessment framework and should not be used for assessment by schools. Assessment remains against the Teachers' Standards.
How does an ECT complete Induction?
Following a final assessment point, if the NWLTSH Appropriate Body agree with the school’s recommendation that the early career teacher has met all the Teachers’ Standards to a satisfactory level the Appropriate Body will confirm the teacher has completed their induction period and will notify the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).
What happens if an ECT fails their induction?
An ECT has only one chance to complete statutory induction.
An ECT who has completed induction and is judged to have failed to meet the Teachers’ Standards at the end of their induction period, is not permitted to repeat induction.
While the ECT does not lose their QTS, they cannot be employed lawfully as a teacher in a relevant school, including any post where they would carry out specified work. Their name is included on the list of persons, held by the Teaching Regulation Agency, who have failed to satisfactorily complete an induction period.
If the NWLTSH Appropriate Body decides that the ECT has failed to complete their induction period satisfactorily, they will inform the ECT of their right to appeal against this decision, with the name and address of the Appeals Body (the Teaching Regulation Agency), and the deadline for submitting an appeal. The ECT must notify the Teaching Regulation Agency that they wish to appeal the decision within 20 working days, after which the right of appeal expires except in exceptional circumstances.
How much time off timetable are ECTs entitled to?
ECTs are entitled to 20% off timetable in their first year -10% PPA and an additional 10% for induction related activities. In year 2 ECTs get a total of 15% (10% PPA and a further 5% for induction related activities).
What happens if an ECT leaves their post during their induction period?
When an ECT leaves their post after completing one term or more but before the next formal assessment would take place, the Induction Tutor or Headteacher will be expected to complete an interim assessment. This should be completed before the ECT leaves their post to ensure that the ECT’s progress and performance since the last assessment are captured. The information recorded on the interim assessment report will help to ensure that induction can be continued effectively in a subsequent post.
Does the school choose which provider e.g. UCL, Ambition etc?
Yes, it is the school’s decision on both the route and provider. The NWLTSH work in partnership with Ambition Institute however the Appropriate Body oversees all schools and ECTs in the region regardless of the ECF provider selected.
If we are using Ambition/ UCL/ Teach First/ Capita/ EDT/ Best Practice, do we need to complete a fidelity check?
If you have opted for the DfE Fully funded programme with any of the above providers, then NO fidelity check is needed. However, if have opted for the Core version using the DfE accredited material through the 4 providers listed below then a fidelity check is required.
- Ambition Institute.
- Education Development Trust.
- Teach First.
- UCL Early Career Teacher Consortium.
What is the charge to our school for ECTs on the full programme?
The charge is £250 per ECT, per year, payable at the start of Year 1 and Year 2 of their induction.
We use the Core Induction Programme and last year went through the fidelity process. Do we need to redo it?
Fidelity checks must be completed for all newly registered ECTs – where a number of ECTs are registered with the same start date one Fidelity Check document can be completed to cover all.
If your ECT has transferred from the same appropriate body despite now starting the second year does the HT still need to request the progress reviews for the school records?
No these will appear on your dashboard once the transfer has been authorised.
Are Induction targets separate to the weekly ones the Mentors will be working on?
ECTs should be set 3- 5 Induction targets ½ termly in Year 1 and termly in Year 2 by the Tutor, which are specific to meeting the Teachers’ Standards. They should be appropriate to the priorities and needs of the ECT and be suitably challenging to ensure the ECT does not coast. The weekly precise targets set by the Mentor are separate as they are part of the ECF programme, these are related to the specific strand, block or module being followed at a particular time. As the ECF programme is NOT an assessment tool the targets should not be matched or combined unless deemed appropriate.
The Induction target document requires the Tutor to identify the target and the success criteria- therefore identifying what good looks like. It also outlines what support or resources should be provided to enable the ECT to achieve the target - such as observing specific colleagues, who demonstrate outstanding practice, joint planning, speaking to SEN Co. As these are ECTs it is imperative they are given more than just a target, as in most cases they do not have the experience, knowledge, or skills to achieve it without specific guidance from the Tutor.
Is it ok to be a Mentor and Tutor for an ECT?
The DfE state in the Induction for Early Career Teachers Statutory guidance for appropriate bodies, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies
2.45. The mentor and the induction tutor are two discrete roles with differing responsibilities, and it is expected that these roles should be held by different individuals. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for the headteacher to designate a single teacher to fulfil both roles, which may be the headteacher/principal themselves. Where this is the case the headteacher should ensure that the induction tutor understands that they are fulfilling two discrete roles and that adequate safeguards are put in place to ensure that the mentoring support offered to the ECT is not conflated with assessment of the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards.
As an Appropriate Body we can accept exceptional circumstances due to insufficient capacity where the ECT is serving induction is a small school such as a one form entry.
The school need to consider what options they have to separate these roles and assign to different individuals.
Good practice observed in schools to ensure the best experience and provision for their ECTs, which fully meets the ECF induction requirements and those identified as statutory by the DfE. Where there are several ECTs completing induction at the same time, experienced and skilled members of staff take the role of Tutor for one ECT and Mentor for another. This enables the Tutor/Mentor to have a full understanding and involvement of both roles and associated responsibilities without conflict or compromise to any individual ECT.
There are 3 roles - Induction Lead, Induction Tutor and Mentor. What is the difference?
Induction Leads have access to all ECTs records on ECT Manager, within their school. Tutors can only access the records for ECTs assigned to them. Where there are large numbers of ECTs a school can have a number of Tutors, who oversee the induction of 1, 2 or 3 ECTs, they only have access on ECT Manager to the profiles of those ECTs assigned to them – The will carry out the observations for these ECTs, meet regularly to set, review and revise Induction Targets and write the progress reviews and end of year reports. The Induction Lead may also have several ECTs assigned personally to them but as the Lead they have full access to all details on ECT Manager for all ECTs serving their induction at the school. The Induction Lead ensures consistency and reliability of judgment across the school through regular monitoring of evidence and quality assurance measures. The Head/Principal checks the post is suitable, assigns experienced staff to the induction related roles and digitally signs the ECT registration form to confirm the agreement between the school and Appropriate Body. The Head/ Principal reads and signs the end of year reports confirming the recommendation.